If you’ve ever wondered whether you have a big-enough budget to effectively implement paid advertising, wonder no more. Lipman Hearne’s senior account executive Jeremy Spaso and senior writer Tom Fitzjerrells explored the potential of paid advertising with limited budgets in their presentation, “Amplify Your Impact,” at the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Nonprofit and Cause Marketing Virtual Conference. Keep reading for the best tips and tricks for paid advertising; plus, you can even watch a recording of the session to see these experts (and their fun personalities) in action!
- Define the purpose of your campaign. While advertisements may work to raise awareness as well as generate leads, there should be one prioritized action. Choose measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help determine the success of the campaign.
- It’s the journey, AND the destination. Think about how you want your user to interact. What does their user journey look like? Maybe the goal is to increase their awareness of your organization or service by staying on your website longer. Alternatively, you could direct them toward actions that provide their contact information for lead generation.
- Who’s your match? When you’re deciding where to advertise, whether that be websites, niche publications, or social media, choose partners based on considerations of budget, level of granularity for targeting, and asset availability.
- Visual content reigns supreme. The chance to grab a user’s attention is fleeting. The amount of content online in addition to small screen sizes and users’ quick scrolls necessitates smart and strategic advertising. Content featuring motion or that evokes strong emotions has a better chance of stopping a user in their tracks and capturing those coveted few seconds of their attention.
- A silver dollar, not 100 pennies. Would you rather catch 100 pennies or just one silver dollar? Our guess is the latter—and the same goes for paid advertising. It’s important to give your audience content that is digestible and readily useful. This means knowing your audience and focusing your content. Designed content can be simple yet effective as a way of compounding the impact of your copy.
- Use what you’ve got. No need to recreate the wheel when you already have great assets. Think of ways you can repurpose creative or written copy developed for one area for use in another with little to no additional customization.
These are just a few of the best tips from Jeremy and Tom’s session. You won’t want to miss more great advice (and jokes), which can be found in the full session recording. Have more questions about using paid advertising on a budget? Reach out to info@lipmanhearne.com anytime!
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